Sunday, March 7, 2010

Eat for a dollar a day...can we do it??

Well here it is...what you have all been waiting for! Actually, we're sure that most of you haven't even heard of what we are doing and really don't care, but if you're reading this, you have some time to waste anyway! We'll give you the 411 while Eric is drinking his last cup of coffee for a week. This will be the first time he will go without the liquid gold for something like 5 years!

We have decided to eat for a dollar a day for one business week! Here are the rules:

  • We have $1 per day each to spend. This means that between the both of us, we have $10 to spend on food and drinks for 5 days.
  • We will not except any free food and will not be allowed to eat anything in the cabinets and/or fridge (that means a leftover binge for yesterday and today).
  • For those who weighed in on the Uncommon Ground 2 day old free bagels, we will not be allowed to consume their awesome staleness.
  • Everything consumed must go into our budget...that means no coffee for Eric or milk for Amanda (too damn expensive).
  • Because they are commodities and fairly inexpensive (we couldn't figure out how to figure in the cost), we will be allowed to consume/cook with salt and pepper and enough oil to grease our pans (not to be used as a topping).
  • The starvation will start Monday, March 8th and drag on through Friday, March 12th.
  • We will stop the pain if we feel it is dangerous for us to continue or if it is seriously affecting our lives in a detrimental way.
  • The party will end when we wake up on Saturday. Yummm, real food again!

We have been asked for the last month, "Why the hell would you do this??" Although neither of us have been able to come up with a convincing answer, here are some of our ideas:
  • Why the hell not...what a neat challenge! Sacrafising the good things in life helps you enjoy what you have a lot more if you know what you're missing!
  • So many people in this world work for a dollar a day...some even less! If they can survive, why can't we? More than one billion people live (not just eat) on this miniscule amount.
  • You've heard of these detox diets...screw that! Lets just eat the simplest things in the world...that should get all the alcohol, caffeine, processed food...(and so on) out of us!
  • Let's add another spice to our lives...make this interesting!

Keep tabs on us...we'll be posting every night for a quick update! Let us know what you think!



  2. One thing to remember a dollar a day goes alot further in other parts of the world...also they have ready at hand fruit in some parts of the world and have learned how to cook with home grown items... seeds cost less than the actual fruit.. I'm so proud of you for trying carefull and remember family comes for free.. sometimes that is a good thing..
    love Aunt Linda
