Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well, we made it through day two! And not in too bad of shape. Eric had less of a headache today from the withdrawl, and Amanda's day wasn't too far out of the usual besides being forced to turn down free cookies at work and not eating a late night spoonful of ice cream. Having fewer food items at our fingertips, we have realized how much we rely on snacking. We have both noticed being hungry more frequently as well as having variations in mood. Food and everything that goes along with it is an enormous part of our lives, and giving up that portion, just for a week, makes us really appreciate that part of our culture. It has only been two days, but already we have found ourselves looking at recipes, eyeing restaurants, turning down invites for home made meals, and being forced to find recreational activities besides coffee shops and bars. Even the restriction of beverages to water has made us appreciate the daily glass of milk or oj, or the freedom to savor those tea leaves shipped to us from so far away. And yet it is still hard to appreciate having clean spring water that we collect weekly from the local spring, to think about how many people live without even that is astonishing.

Today's meals consisted of the same as yesterday's. For breakfast, Amanda had a few pieces of home made bread with a generous amount of peanut butter. Eric had the same, but a bowl full of "slop" (our split pea, garbanzo and rice creation). Lunch was a larger portion of slop with a slice of bread, and dinner was straight up slop. We are already looking forward to Thursday's dinner plans of spaghetti with canned sauce.

Another lovely day of slop tomorrow, and certainly more lifestyle changes to be commented upon tomorrow night.


  1. I admire your conviction and thank you for letting me 'experience' it with you, albeit vicariously. I did a 10 day cleanse for five days and did not eat a crumb of food. I had the lemon, honey and cayenne pepper drink. It really made me appreciate food and how much we/I over-ingest! Be strong!

  2. Oats are $1/lb, hardy, and good for you - in lieu of white bread. My Italian friend eats hers w/ tomato sauce and romano (but you could skip the cheese). Just a thought!
