Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day three...hump day

Day three has come and gone. At this point, we are being forced into some creativity. After 3 days of the original slop, we decided to try some new things. Instead of cooking our rice right into the bean and pea mix, we cooked it on the side to keep it fresh and used the bean/pea mix as a topping. In addition, Amanda used a handful of the garbanzo beans to make a peanut butter hummus. Surprisingly good! In the future, with a few more ingredients, we will make it again.

Each day we realize more and more how much we love and appreciate our food and drinks. It has been an interesting study so far, and we have crossed the midline with few troubles. Today, Amanda believes she may have hallucinated when a strange man walking through the hospital hallway with a box of cookies stopped to offer her one. Why are there cookies everywhere? Just because we can't have them. Or just because we are paying so much attention to them now!

Tomorrow is spaghetti day, and we are looking forward to something new. We'll be dreaming tonight of Ben and Jerry's and the Oatmeal Stout resting in the fridge. Goodnight!


  1. What's Riley eating?? Mom

  2. hes eating the good stuff....instead of us!!!!

  3. How's it going without the coffee?
    I say it's acceptable to go into the local hotel lobby and get a fix...either that or skife a few tea bags at least!!
    Love, Other Mom ;)
